Elbit Systems To Provide Anti-Missile Countermeasure Systems For German A400M Aircraft

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:08 PM, November 18, 2014
  • 4679

Elbit systems announced Monday that it will install its J-Music anti-missile infrared countermeasure systems on German Air Force’s Airbus A400 aircraft.

Germany’s DIEHL defense company awarded the contract and the system will be operational on new aircrafts. The amount of the contract was not disclosed.

“Designed to protect large military and commercial aircraft against attacks by ground-to-air heat seeking man-portable missiles [MANPADS], the J-Music systems, will be integrated into a multi-turret DIRCM system, ensuring 360 degree protection of the aircraft,” Elbit said in a statement.

“Elbit Systems has completed extensive testing of the J-MUSIC system and has already delivered systems to equip several types of aircraft to various customers,” it added.

“Our DIRCM systems provide effective protection to the growing threat of MANPADS, and we hope that additional customers will follow and select our systems as their preferred solution,” Bezhalel Machlis, president and CEO of Elbit Systems said.

The system works by detecting incoming missiles with an infrared sensor, then firing a laser that disrupts the missile’s navigation system, throwing it off course and away from its intended target.

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