Rafael Advanced Defense Systems will debut the C-DOME, a Naval Point Defense System at the AEROINDIA 2015 this week.
The system is designed to effectively protect combat vessels against a large set of modern threats. C-Dome uses the combat-proven Iron Dome interceptor that has already achieved more than 1700 successful interceptions.
At Aero India 2015, Rafael will also present the SPICE 250, a new generation standoff Precision-Guided Munition (PGM) for the first time, according to Israel Defense.
SPICE-250 has a standoff range of 100 kilometers. The SPICE-250 is an autonomous weapon with real time target position update capability. SPICE-250 is a unitary munition and can be equipped with either general purpose or penetration warheads.
In addition, Rafael will also display the "Iron Dome", artillery and mortar (C-RAM) and Very Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) system, the "SPYDER" (Surface-To-Air Python & DERBY), a low level surface-to-air missile system designed to counter attacks by aircraft, helicopters UAVs and precision guided munitions, and the "MIC4AD" – an advanced, unified, integrated C4I system that commands and controls the operation of both air and missile defense.
The exhibit will display the Spike Family of multi-purpose, precise, tactical missiles for ranges between 200 – 25000, the RecceLite, a day/night electro-optical tactical reconnaissance pod for real-time imagery collection and data transfer, and the LITENING system, a multi-spectral airborne targeting and navigation pod.