OCCAR Issues the Final Qualification of the HAP and UHT Versions of Eurocopter’s Tiger helicopter

  • (Source: Eurocopter)
  • 12:00 AM, January 6, 2009
  • 3586
OCCAR, the European Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation managing the Tiger combat helicopter program, issued jointly with the DGA (Dlgation Gnrale pour lArmement) and the BWB (Bundesamt fr Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung) the final qualification of the HAP (Hlicoptre dAppui Protection) and UHT (Untersttzungshubschrauber Tiger) versions for France and Germany respectively.>> This qualification is the third and final step in the development of these two versions. The initial qualification to the PBL001 standard was issued in 2004, allowing the helicopters to be used for training missions at the Franco-German Tiger Training Academy. The second step was the delivery of the helicopters qualified to the PBL002 standard with all of their operational functionalities.>> The final qualification step fixed the solutions finally adopted for the remaining open points and added extra functionalities, such as a naval capacity and the integration of a data link for the HAP Tiger, as well as the integration of new encrypted radio systems and data links for the UHT version. This final step therefore paves the way for the Tigers operational entry into service and its use in external operations.>> France has ordered 40 HAP versions of the Tiger. These aircraft have a 30-mm gun turret, 68-mm rockets, a Strix roof-mounted sight, and air-to-air Mistral missiles. Eighteen HAP Tigers have already been delivered, including the three initial Standard 1 aircraft.>> The UHT version ordered by Germany (80 aircraft in total) has 12.7 mm machine gun pods, 70-mm rockets, Stinger air-to-air missiles, Hot and Trigat anti-tank missiles, and an Osiris mast-mounted sight. Germany has received ten UHT Tigers qualified to the PBL001 and PBL002 standards.