Philippines’ BrahMos Buy A “Done Deal”

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:17 AM, December 10, 2019
  • 5126
Philippines’ BrahMos Buy A “Done Deal”
Brahmos Cruise Missile

The Philippines Army has zeroed in on purchase of BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles to be equipped on its first ever land-based missile system battery following extensive trials and the only thing that remains is finance aspect of the deal.


“As far as the Philippines Army is concerned, the consensus on the BrahMos system is a done deal. Now, it’s all about the price negotiations and we hope the deal will be finalised next year,” a source familiar with the negotiations was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times on Monday.


A mock-up of land-based version of BrahMos was displayed at an expo in Manila on December 5. It was mounted on a truck launcher system and a chart outlined the Philippines Army’s development road map for the first Land Based Missile System Battery.


The chart said the battery had been activated and its personnel would undergo special courses on rockets, missiles and training simulators to be prepared for inducting the missiles. The Army expects the battery’s personnel and equipment to be ready, for all the equipment to be acquired by 2024 and be combat ready by 2028, the report stated.


India has reportedly offered a $100 million line of credit to the Philippines for defense purchases. Manila, however, is exploring the option of acquiring the missiles with its own funds to be allocated in the next budget.


“Various options are being looked at – whether it should be internal funding or a preferential loan – and whether there will be some preferential terms offered for the sale. The cost will determine how many systems are bought,” the source said.


New Delhi is also pitching the BrahMos for sale in Indonesia and Vietnam. 

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