Indonesia Developing Missile for its F-16 Jets

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:26 AM, April 30, 2020
  • 6758
Indonesia Developing Missile for its F-16 Jets
F-16 fighter

Indonesian Aerospace (PT Dirgantara Indonesia) is currently developing a new missile for the Air Force’s fleet of F-16 fighter jets.

“PT DI is in the process of developing a missile to complement its 70-millimeter Folding-fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR), which has been fitted onto the Air Force’s F-16 jets,” president director Elfien Goentoro was quoted as saying by The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.

The missile is being developed by a consortium led by the company and includes other state-owned enterprises such as PT Len Industri, PT Pindad, PT TRESS and explosives maker PT Dahana.

“This program is only in its second year [...] the aim is to design several systems such as flight control systems, warheads and jet engines, among others,” Elfien said.

Indonesia Developing Missile for its F-16 Jets
Elang Hitam drone (image via Twitter)

The 70-millimeter FFAR will also arm PT DI’s new Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) combat drones.­­ Tests are to begin by the end of this year. The medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle is expected to enter production latest by 2024.

Under the Jakarta’s multi-billion dollar Minimum Essential Forces (MEF) program, the country plans to develop naval vessels, propeller aircraft, helicopters and land combat vehicles.

Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) F-16 Jets

Indonesian F-16s are currently undergoing Lockheed’s Falcon Star mid-life upgrades, which will double its service life to 8,000h. The jets are getting new radars and avionics.

In addition, Jakarta is mulling an F-16 Block 72 Viper-purchase. It is yet to decide on which jet to buy with the contest primarily between Lockheed F-16 and F-35, and Russian Su-35 jets.

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