Russian Troops Receive Wheeled 2B11 Mortars

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:12 AM, July 21, 2022
  • 1342
Russian Troops Receive Wheeled 2B11 Mortars
2B11 mortar with wheels @Rostec

Uralvagonzavod’s Central Research Institute "Burevestnik,” has delivered a batch of mortars 2B11 caliber 120 mm with a wheel drive to the Russian defense ministry.

The wheeled 2B11 variant offers advantages of the 2B11 mortar with an improved circular firing plate, a quick-detachable firing mechanism that does not require disassembly of the barrel, as well as a fuse against double loading of a small mass. For firing from a mortar, shots with high-explosive fragmentation, smoke, lighting and incendiary mines are used, Rostec said in a release.

The wheeled 2B11 120-mm mortar offers high rate of fire and a quick transfer from the stowed position and back. 

2B11 mortars will take part in the Masters of Artillery Fire competition at the ARMY-2022 International Army Games. In the conditions of a special track equipped with various obstacle courses, the competing mortar crews will perform various fire missions.

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