U.S. Navy Tests Unmanned Logistics Capabilities Aboard the USNS Apalachicola

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:52 AM, July 30, 2022
  • 1023
U.S. Navy Tests Unmanned Logistics Capabilities Aboard the USNS Apalachicola
EPF vessel

The U.S. Navy has performed a series of planned test events assessing autonomous capabilities integrated into the shipboard configuration aboard the future USNS Apalachicola (EPF 13).

The tests, also called the Unmanned Logistics Prototype trials involved point-to-point autonomous navigation, vessel handling and transfer of vessel control between manned to unmanned modes.

“The autonomous capabilities being demonstrated by this prototype system represent a major technological advancement for the EPF platform, the Navy at large and our industry partners. EPF 13 will be the first fully operational U.S. naval ship to possess autonomous capability including the ability to operate autonomously in a commercial vessel traffic lane,” said Tim Roberts, Strategic and Theater Sealift program manager, Program Executive Office (PEO) Ships.

The future tests will add levels of difficulty and include night navigation, and differing weather and sea states. These tests are set to lay the foundation for autonomous vessel operations, to include vessel encounter and avoidance maneuvering and compliance with International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

EPFs are shallow draft, commercial-based, catamaran designed for rapid, intra-theater transport of personnel and equipment. The EPF’s high speed, shallow draft, and ability to load/unload in austere ports enables maneuver force agility in achieving positional advantage over intermediate distances without reliance on shore-based infrastructure. EPF 13 is scheduled to deliver to the Navy later this year.

PEO Ships is responsible for executing the development and procurement of all destroyers, amphibious ships, special mission and support ships, boats and craft.

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