Turkish Akinci UCAV Test-Fires Air-to-Ground Supersonic Missile

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 03:36 PM, December 19, 2022
  • 1378
Turkish Akinci UCAV Test-Fires Air-to-Ground Supersonic Missile
Akinci UCAV fires TRG-230 missile @Baykar

Turkey’s first air-to-ground supersonic missile, the TRG-230, fired from Akinci hit its target 100 km away.

“Bayraktar AKINCI hit the target with the TRG-230 UAV, Türkiye’s first supersonic missile developed by Roketsan, from a distance of 100km,” Baykar CTO Selcuk Bayraktar confirmed in a Twitter post.

The Akıncı took off from a base in northwestern Tekirdağ province’s Çorlu district and covered a distance of about 700km off the northern Black Sea province of Sinop, before hitting its target. The feat marks the first ballistic supersonic missile launched from air-to-ground in Turkey.

The missile has only been integrated on the Akinci for now, and no further information has been released on whether it will be integrated on other UCAVs such as the Anka, Aksungur or Bayraktar TB2.

The TRG-230-UAV missile has an effective range of 20-150km. Domestic ammunition maintains its high sensitivity even with GPS interference and can engage fixed targets as well as moving targets. Strategic points such as artillery and air defense systems, radar stations and logistics facilities are among the targets of the TGR-230.

Other ammunitions such as the MAM-C/L/T, TEBER-82, KGK-SİHA-82, LGK-82 and TOLUN miniature bombs have been launched from Akıncı UCAVs so far.


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