Poland to buy 96 Apache Helicopters, Launches Black Hawk Tender

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 08:39 AM, July 22, 2023
  • 1120
Poland to buy 96 Apache Helicopters, Launches Black Hawk Tender
Defense Minister Mariusz B?aszczak in front of Apache helicopter on July 21, 2023.

Poland’s Ministry of Defense has confirmed the purchase of 96 AH-64E Apache helicopters and has issued a tender for Black Hawk rotorcraft.

Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak revealed on Twitter that Warsaw is buying 96 Apaches for six squadrons. “We will equip Polish armed forces with 96 such helicopters, and the army will use 8 Apaches before the contract is implemented,” Błaszczak said.

The contract will also include technology transfer, per earlier reports.

On July 21 July, Poland also launched a tender for the procurement of S-70i Black Hawk helicopters manufactured by Lockheed Martin.

“The procurement procedure for multirole S-70i Black Hawk helicopters for the Aeromobile forces has begun. An invitation to negotiate was sent today. The Black Hawk will be able to co-operate with the currently acquired Leonardo AW149 and the Boeing AH-64E Apache planned to be acquired,” the Polish Armaments Agency (AA) said Friday.

Poland to buy 96 Apache Helicopters, Launches Black Hawk Tender
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