Over 100 New Aircraft, 150 Helicopters Delivered to Russian Forces in 2023: Minister

This includes fighter, transport, long range bombers, trainers and helicopters to the Russian Aerospace Forces
  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 10:55 AM, January 28, 2024
  • 1280
Over 100 New Aircraft, 150 Helicopters Delivered to Russian Forces in 2023: Minister
Su-57 aircraft

 Russian Aerospace Forces (RuAF) received more than 100 aircraft and 150 helicopters in 2023, according to  Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko who was speaking during the Single Day of Acceptance of Military Products on Friday.

"More than 100 new and repaired aircraft have been delivered in the interests of the Aerospace Forces. In particular, operational-tactical aircraft, military transport aircraft and combat training aircraft besides 150 helicopters," Krivoruchko said.

He added that also last year, 3,500 Russian-made drones were delivered to the troops, as well as eight space assets, such as military spacecraft, family launch vehicles and upper stages, as well as 10 new and repaired regimental and divisional sets of anti-aircraft missile systems.

More than 400,000 aviation weapons, including anti-aircraft guided missiles and aerial bombs, have also been replenished with ammunition.

Over 100 New Aircraft, 150 Helicopters Delivered to Russian Forces in 2023: Minister
Tu-160 long range bomber

While Russian aviation industry announces the delivery of aircraft to the armed forces, it does not give out numbers. This is the first time a top official has given out the total number of aircraft delivered in a year.

During 2023, the RuAF received front-line fighter aircraft such as the Su-57, Su-35, Su-34 and Su-30 in several batches with no numbers given. In addition, long range bombers such as the Tu-22M, TU-95 and Tu-160 have been modernized and handed over to the RuAF.

Over 100 New Aircraft, 150 Helicopters Delivered to Russian Forces in 2023: Minister
Ka-52 helicopter
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