Taking Inspiration from Ukraine, Myanmar Rebels Attack Junta Installations with Kamikaze Drones

Regime has claimed that most of the rebel drones have been shot down
  • Defensemirror.com bureau
  • 11:35 AM, April 5, 2024
  • 1214
Taking Inspiration from Ukraine, Myanmar Rebels Attack Junta Installations with Kamikaze Drones
Federal Wings anti-regime resistance drone unit with improvised drones in Karen state @Federal Wings

Taking inspiration from Ukraine, rebels from Myanmar's resistance groups attacked junta installations in and around the administrative capital, Naypyitaw, on Thursday with several dozen kamikaze drones.

This is the first time the rebels have deployed attack drones, especially on such a large scale.

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Anti-regime resistance groups of the civilian National Unity Government (NUG) used nearly 30 improvised kamikaze drones to target Myanmar junta chief Min Aung Hlaing’s residence, his military headquarters, and a major junta airbase in Naypyitaw early on April 4, Irrawady Times reported.

The Kloud Team (Shar Htoo Waw), specializing in drone warfare, has claimed responsibility for the attack. They are frequently employed by People’s Defense Force (PDF) units lacking heavy firepower. Initially using smaller drones, they now employ more sophisticated systems to drop explosives on military targets.

Drones have also been deployed by other rebel groups.

The Arakan Army (AA) has persisted in attacking junta bases across several townships in Rakhine State, targeting Light Infantry Battalion 564 in Buthidaung, the hilltop base of Taw Hein Taung in Ann, and the Kyain Chaung border outpost in Maungdaw. They have also been active at Base No. 275 in Myebon Township, resulting in retaliatory junta airstrikes.

On April 2, three other rebel groups assaulted Weapons Factory No. 24 using five 107-mm rocket bombs and four drone bombs. The Freedom Revolution Force coordinated this attack.

Taking Inspiration from Ukraine, Myanmar Rebels Attack Junta Installations with Kamikaze Drones
Improvised fixed-wing drones used to target Naypyitaw on April 4, 2024 @Kloud Team

On April 3, the BGS Ayadaw Drone Force and allied groups deployed a drone to drop two 60-mm bombs on a howitzer at the 10th Military Training Battalion in Ayadaw Township, Sagaing Region.

Early on Thursday, the Myaing People's Defense Force (PDF) in collaboration with the Pauk PDF utilized four drones to drop 38 bombs on the Chaung Ku power plant, disrupting operations at the 24th Military Weapons Factory in Pauk Township, Magwe Region, where 15 improvised rocket bombs were also fired.

Following the attack, the junta shut down the international airports in Naypyitaw and Yangon for hours. Details of the damage caused by the drone attacks are not yet clear.

Most hostile drones shot down: Regime

However, a regime statement said most of the drones were shot down by air defense systems. It mentioned that attacks were launched against important buildings and locations in the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, Zeyathiri Township, and Ela.

Military-run Myawaddy TV said 13 fixed-wing drones were shot down, and there were no casualties or damage to property.

Taking Inspiration from Ukraine, Myanmar Rebels Attack Junta Installations with Kamikaze Drones
BGS Ayadaw Drone Force’s drones and improvised bombs @BGS Ayadaw Drone Force

The air defense forces responsible for air security duties in the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area detected the planned attack using air defense systems. They intercepted all the fixed-wing aircraft. As a result of this prevention, two of the aircraft exploded in the air before reaching their targets, and the remaining fixed-wing planes were shot down.

Thirteen of the aircraft that crashed to the ground after being intercepted were seized. Among them, four were found to have explosive devices and had to be safely detonated in a controlled manner. The security forces are currently investigating the other fixed-wing aircraft that crashed on the ground.

Fortunately, there were no casualties or damage to people or buildings in this incident. The security forces remain vigilant and prepared to respond immediately to any emergencies.

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