DCI wins contract for helicopters from French Army's

  • 12:00 AM, February 24, 2011
  • 5494
DCI announces that a new outsourcing contract has been granted, following the outsourcing contract on the fleet of helicopters from the French Army's light aviation school in Dax. A call for tenders was launched concerning the outsourcing of in-service support related to French civil defense and gendarmerie EC 145 helicopters. This outsourcing concerns 51 helicopters stationed throughout French territory (metropolitan France and overseas). The INAER group, European leader in helicopter-borne operations, renewed its wish to bid for this project, together with DCI, in the frame of a balanced partnership which proved being successful at the end of 2009. “After Hélidax, DCI-COFRAS proves once again that its turnkey support solutions meet its customers' expectations. Today, it is considered a service company perfectly adapted to Defence outsourcing projects» declares General de Zuchowicz, Executive Vice-President of DCI-COFRAS.