Alenia Aeronautica Signs a 25 Million Euro Contract for the Logistic Support of Bulgarian Air Force’s C-27Js

  • 12:00 AM, December 22, 2011
  • 3242
Alenia Aeronautica and Bulgaria’s Defence Minister, Anyu Angelov, have signed, a few days ago, a framework agreement defining the procedures for the supply of logistic support services to the C-27J fleet of the Bulgarian Air Force, for a ten-year period, thus strengthening even more the relationship between Alenia Aeronautica and the Bulgarian customer. Within the agreement, a first contract has been signed for the supply of logistic support services, for a five-year period, worth totally 25 million euro. Giuseppe Giordo, Alenia Aeronautica’s Chief Executive Officer and Responsible for Finmeccanica’s Aeronautics Sector, has commented: “We deem it fundamental to offer our customers ever more integrated services through an ad-hoc and timely support to ensure a long product’s life cycle and make the most of the customers’ investment. The approach adopted with Bulgaria, that has allowed us to effectively capitalise the available financial resources, certainly represents a pattern applicable to many of Alenia Aeronautica’s customers in order to guarantee the operational long-term efficiency of their C-27Js”. The supply envisaged by the contract includes, in addition to the spare parts, ground support equipment, technical material, maintenance inspections, training activities, also a specific and continuous on-site technical assistance, thanks to a ‘Field Service Representative’ at Sofia’s Bulgarian base, to fully meet the technical-operational requirements of the customer. Alenia Aeronautica delivered on 31st of March, at Sofia’ military base “Vrazhdebna” (in Bulgaria) the last of the 3 C-27Js ordered in 2006 by the Bulgarian Air Force, inaugurating on that occasion a centre for the aircraft’s logistic support. The C-27J is a new-generation tactical transport aircraft compliant with NATO standards and interoperable with heavier airlifters in service with other Atlantic Alliance countries and also capable of operating in the most complex operational scenarios, thanks to its active and passive self-defence systems.