Chinese Sixth Generation Fighter Video a Hoax?

Confusion surrounds a viral video allegedly showing China’s new sixth-generation fighter, with no official confirmation from Chinese media or authorities.
  • Ahmedullah Mohammed
  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024 @ 01:19 PM
  • 4190
Chinese Sixth Generation Fighter Video a Hoax?

Sixth generation fighter mockup at Airshow China-2024

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A social media video purportedly of a new Chinese fighter aircraft released on December 26 has led to frenzied claims that the video is of an upcoming sixth generation fighter with three engines.

However, even a week after the video went viral all over the world, there is no mention of this aircraft in the mainstream Chinese media which normally plays up developments of the country’s arms industry.

Publications such as Global Times, China Military News, Xinhua and People Daily have no report on the “first flight of the sixth generation fighter,” as many western media outlets choose to call it.

Surprisingly, no mention of the “sixth generation fighter” was made in daily media briefing of the Chinese ministry of defense nor was any questions asked by the local media regarding the aircraft as shown in the video.

Source of the Sixth generation fighter video?

The original source of the video is unknown. The Hong Kong based South China Morning Post, known for its deep contacts in China, wrote on December 27, “footage and images of what might have been the maiden flight of China’s sixth-generation fighter jet went viral on Thursday, the country’s official military media appeared to tacitly confirm the speculation.” The “confirmation,” according to the SCMP, is a Weibo post by Chengdu-based Defence Times publication which compared the aircraft in the video to a leaf. Defence Times on its part, does not identify the source of the video.

Chinese Sixth Generation Fighter Video a Hoax?
Purported sixth generation aircraft during its maiden flight on December 26, 2024

Many claimed that the emergence of the video on December 26, the birth anniversary of Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, gave it a stamp of authenticity.

Test aircraft never fly low over buildings

A jarring factor regarding the video is that test flights are never held over cities and test aircraft never fly low over buildings- as the “sixth generation” fighter is seen doing in the video.

Rather, videos and images of test flights are released much after the flights and when there is sufficient data to proclaim the tested aircraft as a “success.”

What is even more concerning is that why would China, which is particularly guarded regarding its military technology developments, expose its sixth generation fighter so that it could be easily snapped up by amateurs with mobile phones.

Chinese future fighter mock up at Airshow China 2024

The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) unveiled a mock-up of its conceptual sixth-generation fighter jet during the Airshow China 2024. The aircraft has leading edges quite different from the plane in the video and has what appears to be twin engines with flat nozzles.

Chinese Sixth Generation Fighter Video a Hoax?
Unidentified aircraft flying low over buildings

The path from a mockup stage to first flight is rather long and has to go through several key milestones such as engine start-up, instrumentation checks and several ground runs before it is cleared for first flight. At the completion of each stages companies release information regarding the success of the milestone. The AVIC has done so in the past with its J-20 and other fighter jets.

Chinese new bomber

China has an upcoming aircraft, the H-20 bomber which was never officially revealed. It was shown under wraps during a promotional video a couple of years ago. Could the aircraft in the video be the mystery bomber? However, if it is so careful as not to show the aircraft in static form, why would AVIC be so careless to fly it all over Chengdu.

China Unveils World’s First Electromagnetic Catapult-Equipped Amphibious Assault Ship
A day after reportedly test-flying the “new fighter jet,” China unveiled its Type 076 amphibious assault ship, the Sichuan, drawing global attention. The ship is equipped with electromagnetic catapult and arresting systems, enabling the deployment of manned aircraft, drones, and helicopters. Launched in Shanghai on Friday, the vessel has a displacement of over 40,000 tons, a full-length flight deck, and a double-island superstructure. If the aircraft test occurred as claimed, China would likely have officially confirmed the event.

Chinese Sixth Generation Fighter Video a Hoax?