Russian KA-52 Helicopters, Syrian MRBLs Work in Tandem To Attack Islamic State Positions

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:36 PM, August 14, 2017
  • 3937
Russian KA-52 Helicopters, Syrian MRBLs Work in Tandem To Attack Islamic State Positions
Russia's Ka-52 Helicopters

Russian KA-52 helicopters equipped with night vision equipment, directed fire from Syrian army multiple barrel rocket launchers (MRBL) to destroy Islamic State armor positions and liberate Al-Kadir settlement.

“For the first time since the beginning of combat operations against Islamic State in Syria,  government forces conducted a tactical landing behind militants’ lines with their subsequent defeat and liberation of the settlement of Al-Kadir (about 120 kilometers west of Deir ez-Zor) on August 12,"  Russian MoD said as quoted by Tass.

According to the ministry, the operation was conducted under the command of General Suheil al-Hassan, one of Syria’s most renowned military commanders.

"Russian military advisers took direct part in the preparation of the operation and control over it," the ministry noted.

Before the operation, Russian helicopters Ka-52 hit a force of the Islamic State near the village of Al-Kadir, and also directed fire by Syria’s multiple rocket launchers.

Syrian government troops landed near the settlements of Khirbet Mikman and Al-Kadir (Raqqa province) located some 20 kilometers off the frontline. After a fire attack, Syrian paratroopers moved along the dry river bed to Al-Kadir, took a commanding hill and began the assault of the village.

"In a short battle, Syrian paratroopers destroyed the militants’ headquarters and depots, hit two tanks and three armored vehicles. The landing party kept the positions until major forces came to the area in the morning on August 12.

Following the operation, the Syrian army took control of an area of about 60 square kilometers, three populated localities and two oil fields.

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