S Korea Develops Stealth Submarine Detection System

  • Our Bureau
  • 05:19 AM, April 2, 2020
  • 4432
S Korea Develops Stealth Submarine Detection System
S Korean stealth submarine detection system @DAPA

The South Korean Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has revealed a port surveillance system that improves detection of quiet submarines and other stealthy underwater moving objects.

The advanced maritime surveillance system was developed at a cost of 130 billio- won ($106.6 million) with research and development work since 2015.

It has been installed at major ports across the country, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said, Yonhap news agency reported.

"Submarines of today produce less noise as part of stealth functions and maritime traffic at major local ports has increased, making it more difficult for the military to monitor and respond to objects underwater," DAPA said.

The system consists of an advanced underwater acoustic sensor designed to detect those objects early and share their location information with the military on a real-time basis, as it is linked to the Navy's major command control and surveillance systems, it added.

"The homegrown system is expected to help enhance our military's surveillance posture and strengthen the competitiveness of our defense industries," the statement said.

Almost all current generation submarines run on ultra-quiet batteries while submerged making their detection with conventional underwater detection systems difficult. This combined with increased commercial shipping allows them to pass undetected near ports.

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