Israel Defense Forces Construct Armored Bases in Civilian Settlements, Acquires 200 Armored Vehicles

This initiative is a part of the "Mashiv al-Hurakh" project led by the IDF and the Ministry of Defense, focusing on reinforcing standby units
  • bureau
  • 10:10 AM, February 27, 2024
  • 1128
Israel Defense Forces Construct Armored Bases in Civilian Settlements, Acquires 200 Armored Vehicles
Israeli troops in Gaza @IDF

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have commenced the construction of numerous compounds for their security forces within the civilian settlements of Gebraam, Yachini, and Or Hanar, alongside the acquisition of 200 armored vehicles.

These compounds, equipped with living areas, dining spaces, kitchenettes, wardrobes, and utility rooms, are intended to serve as operational bases for the stationed IDF personnel. Construction has commenced in the initial three settlements—Gebraam, Yachini, and Or Hanar—with plans to expand these facilities to other locations in the near future, establishing a network of secure bases for defense forces.

This initiative is a part of the "Mashiv al-Hurakh" project led by the IDF and the Ministry of Defense, focusing on reinforcing standby units. Recently, the project achieved a milestone with the distribution of equipment to these units, ensuring soldiers are equipped with weapons, ceramic vests, uniforms, shoes, and helmets to enhance preparedness for security challenges.

In response to the strategic needs of settlements, the Procurement Manager (Manhar) at the Ministry of Defense, in collaboration with the Planning Division and the Home Front Command, is procuring over 200 armored security vehicles. These vehicles will be deployed to bolster defense capabilities in the Gaza Envelope, the north, and Judea and Samaria, fortifying the IDF's presence in these sensitive regions.

Approximately a fortnight ago, the Israel Ministry of Defense approved the procurement of over 200 armored security vehicles, allocating an estimated 150 million NIS ($41.1 million) for the purchase.

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