USAF Invite Sierra Nevada, Embraer To Participate In OA-X Light-Attack Aircraft Assessment

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:20 AM, May 13, 2017
  • 3890
USAF Invite Sierra Nevada, Embraer To Participate In OA-X Light-Attack Aircraft Assessment
USAF Invite Sierra Nevada, Embraer To Participate In OA-X Light-Attack Aircraft Assessment

Embraer Defense & Security, together with its partner, Sierra Nevada (SNC), has been invited to participate in the US Air Force’s (USAF) Capability Assessment of Non-Developmental Light Attack Platforms, known as OA-X.

SNC and Embraer will take part in the experiment with the A-29 Super Tucano, which is the only light air support (LAS) aircraft in the world with a USAF Military Type Certificate, Embraer announced Friday.

The OA-X assessment begins in July at New Mexico’s Holloman Air Force Base.

The OA-X experiment is part of the USAF’s effort to explore the benefits of acquiring a new, low-cost, non-developmental light attack aircraft to provide close air support and other missions in permissive and semi-permissive environments, reduce fighter pilot training costs, and accelerate pilot seasoning.

“The A-29 is suited for training and seasoning fighter pilots,” said Jackson Schneider, president and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security.

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