Rosoboronexport's Trademark Registered in 45 Countries

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:26 PM, April 7, 2020
  • 2215
Rosoboronexport's Trademark Registered in 45 Countries

Russia's state-run weapons exporter Rosoboronexport has its trademark registered in 45 countries across the world, a move that will help in branding, curb unfair competition and securing business.

“Rosoboronexport JSC has received a certificate of international registration of the ROSOBORONEXPORT trademark in 45 countries across the world within the framework of the Madrid System,” the company announced Tuesday.

“From this time onward, we will have important legal leverage in key partner countries to prevent unlawful use of intellectual property, including by way of imitating our operations,” said Alexander Mikheev, Director General of Rosoboronexport.

“Registration of the principal trademark abroad will allow Rosoboronexport to showcase its presence in key markets across the globe and to pursue our efforts towards building a strong brand. It will have a positive impact on the promotion of Russian defense products and the services provided in the area of military and technical cooperation,” he added.


Rosoboronexport's Trademark Registered in 45 Countries

The ROSOBORONEXPORT trademark is currently undergoing registration in 13 more countries across the world that have not joined the Madrid System, including some Persian Gulf nations.

In addition, two trademarks that look “confusingly” similar to that of the Russian company’s, has been cancelled in the Republic of Colombia.

Legal protection and safeguard of Rosoboronexport’s intellectual property abroad has been carried out by RT-Intellectexport LLC, Rostec State Corporation’s competence center in the domain of intellectual property rights management.