Kick-boxing Training for PLA Hong Kong Soldiers to Deal with 'Separatists’

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:50 PM, June 2, 2020
  • 2536
Kick-boxing Training for PLA Hong Kong Soldiers to Deal with 'Separatists’
Screenshot of kickboxing training video

Soldiers of Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s Hong Kong Garrison have undergone intensive kick-boxing training which, some people think was aimed at deterring ‘separatists.’

On its official Sina Weibo account Sunday, PLA released a video footage of Hong Kong Garrison troops pounding on each other and going on long-distance runs. Training also involved simulated combat, focussed on facing the enemy head-on. Members who graduate will play a key role in the next combat drill.

The training was held to improve flexibility, strength, speed and endurance of soldiers.

"After intensive training, the soldiers can become more tenacious, resolute and hard-working in subduing others. They can be tougher and more unyielding when performing special tasks,” Yang Weishuai, deputy captain of the training team, said in the video.

Kick-boxing Training for PLA Hong Kong Soldiers to Deal with 'Separatists’
Soldiers of the PLA Hong Kong Garrison

Hong Kong is on the cusp of transiting into a state of being controlled, after enjoying years of autonomy. Beijing recently announced it would impose a National Security Law on Hong Kong, in a move critics say will fundamentally undermine the freedoms that were enshrined in the territory's laws when the British returned it Chinese rule in 1997.

A week ago, Major General Chen Daoxiang, commander of the PLA Hong Kong Garrison, said his troops will execute the central government's policies and strive to safeguard the city's prosperity and stability. He said that the garrison “strongly supports” the draft decision proposed by the Standing Committee of the 13th NPC concerning measures on national security in Hong Kong.

Soon after the video was posted by the PLA, it sparked heated discussions with people who fear the drill will be a deterrent to those resisting the new law.

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