Russian Govt Agency Approves Improved Domestic Wing, PD-14 Engine for MC-21 Airliner

  • Bureau
  • 01:17 PM, December 30, 2022
  • 1426
Russian Govt Agency Approves Improved Domestic Wing, PD-14 Engine for MC-21 Airliner
MC-21 airliner @Rostec

Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) approved major changes to the standard design of the MC-21 aircraft related to the installation of the Russian PD-14 engine and composite wings.

Documents confirming the amendments to the liner's certificate were handed over to Irkut Corporation, a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) on December 29.

In 2022, over 160 successful test flights were performed on the MC-21 aircraft with the PD-14 power plant. Test pilots OKB im. A.S. Yakovlev, the airliner was tested in various operating modes. During the tests, the PD-14 engine showed characteristics that are not inferior to foreign counterparts. In addition, the wing made of domestic composites passed a test cycle at TsAGI, which confirmed the declared strength parameters. Then the experimental aircraft with the Russian wing successfully completed a number of test flights, during which the operational characteristics of the airliner were tested.

“We are concentrating significant forces and resources on the MC-21 program, because the new aircraft will become the flagship of the Russian fleet for decades to come. The delivery plan until 2030 is more than 270 aircraft of this type. The passed tests confirmed the reliability and high quality of both the PD-14 engine and the composite wing made of domestic materials,” said Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec.

“Approval of changes in the domestic engine and wing is an important milestone in the MC-21 project and the basis for the subsequent import substitution of all aircraft components. Some of them are already undergoing bench tests, and next year we will be ready to start testing these systems as part of an aircraft in order to certify a completely Russian aircraft by the end of 2024 and begin mass production,” said Yury Slyusar, Director General of UAC. 

MS-21 is a medium-haul passenger aircraft of a new generation with a capacity of 163 to 211 passengers. The liner is focused on the most demanded segment of the passenger transportation market. The machine is created on the basis of the latest developments in the field of aircraft construction. Advanced aerodynamics, latest generation engines and systems ensure high performance and lower operating costs than the competition.

The aerodynamic perfection of the aircraft was achieved thanks to the high aspect ratio wing made of domestic composite materials, which were developed with the participation of scientists from Moscow State University, Rosatom, and aviation industry specialists. The widest fuselage width of the MC-21 in its class allows increasing personal space for passengers and making the flight as comfortable as possible.

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