New Top Attack Protection for Russian Tanks Revealed at Army 2023

  • Ahmedullah Mohammed
  • 07:22 AM, August 16, 2023
  • 1318
New Top Attack Protection for Russian Tanks Revealed at Army 2023
New top attack protection system for Russian Tanks with mesh intended to ward off anti-tank grenades @Defense Mirror

A new top attack protection system against high explosive warheads and drone bombs has been revealed at Army-2023 (August 14-20) in Moscow.

Earlier top attack protection resembling 'barbeque grill' proved ineffective against rapidly improving Ukrainian munitions.

The new protection system consists of dual layers of steel plates bolted together and mounted atop a steel cage. Sources at the show told Defense Mirror at the show that this new system has been tested against not only high explosive warheads but also drone bombs that are dropped in the open hatches of tanks after being spotted by first person view (FPV) drones.

New Top Attack Protection for Russian Tanks Revealed at Army 2023
Brazier cage armor @Russia MoD

A correspondent spotted the new protection system mounted on T-80 and T-90 tanks at the ARMY-2023. A mesh surrounding the cage is intended to ward off anti-tank grenades.

Russian tank crews reinforced top armor of their turrets with barbecue-like grills called “Brazier” and sandbags to protect tanks from Javelin missiles and Bayraktar TB2 strikes.

It was reportedly proven inefficient against missiles and loitering munitions (kamikaze drones).

New Top Attack Protection for Russian Tanks Revealed at Army 2023
New top attack protection system for Russian Tanks @Defense Mirror

First photos with cage armor "Braziers" appeared in July 2021. The Russians soon realized that it caused large-scale problems with radio communications in the tank units. In addition, if a tank is hit and catches fire, it is unrealistic to believe the commander and gunner can get out, as it would partly block the passage.

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