Full Video: Irkut Rolls Out MC-21 Jet Liner

  • By Defenseworld Exclusive
  • 01:24 PM, June 27, 2016
  • 8085

June 8, 2016, Irkut Corporation of Russia rolled out it's new generation passenger aircraft, the MC-21 at a glittering ceremony in western Siberian city of Irkutsk.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev unveiled the aircraft in the Irkut Factory. The MC-21 is scheduled to fly the first time next year end after completing a series of tests and certifications.

“Our aircraft will be cheaper to buy, cheaper to operate and offer enhanced passenger comfort”, said Kirill Budaev, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Irkut Corporation, a member of the (United Aircraft Corp) group. He said the list price of the MC-21-300 aircraft will be about 15%-20% cheaper than a comparable Boeing or Airbus aircraft.

The exclusive video shows from the start to end of the rolling out ceremony of the new airliner from Irkut.

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