China To Conduct First Test Of Russia-made S-400 Air Defence Systems In August: TASS

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:31 AM, July 27, 2018
  • 8501
China To Conduct First Test Of Russia-made S-400 Air Defence Systems In August: TASS
China To Conduct First Test Of Russia-made S-400 Air Defence Systems In August: TASS

China will reportedly test the newly acquired Russia-made S-400 Air Defence Systems for the first time next month, TASS reports Friday.

"It is planned that in late July-early August the unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, which underwent training in Russia, will carry out the firing against a simulated ballistic target at a Chinese firing ground," a military and diplomatic source was quoted as saying by the Russian media outlet.

TASS had reported Wednesday that China received the first batch of S-400s last week, after the document was signed, the systems passed into China’s ownership.

News that Russia signed a contract for sales of S-400 systems to China broke in November 2014. In November 2015, Russian president’s adviser on military technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin confirmed these reports. China became the first foreign buyer of these systems and will receive two batches.

The S-400 Triumf is a long-and medium-range air defense missile system designed to hit air attack weapons (including stealth aircraft), and also any other air targets. As of today, the S-400 can hit targets at a distance of up to 250 km.

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